Top Team Week 7

Top Team was on the 21st of November 2023 it was really fun, there were 9 different activities that we had to do, the first one my group did was the speedy sack race where we had to have four people in the sack at a time, we used communication because otherwise we would of tripped a whole lot more. Each time we did a lap we had to switch 2 people.

The next activity we did was naughts and crosses where we sent one person at a time and the teams raced to get the 3 in the row we had to use our speed and our physical strength for that activity and if you went before the other person came back it wouldn’t count.

After that activity we did the super ski race where we had to have all of our team to use our legs to move it at once.          Then we did the gumboot toss where there was a target and different points spread across the target, there were 5 points in the middle 3 points around it and 1 point around the 3. Then we did the sponge gauntlet where we couldn’t move while holding the sponge and we had to wet it and get it close to the bucket and squeeze out the water and the higher it was the more points we get. Then we did an activity where we built a tower then we had to stack a bucket on top and get water into the end bucket. Then we did the puzzle game where we flipped the puzzle pieces over then we solved it, then we did the gutter-ball challenge where we make a pipe and roll a golf ball down there and then we did the final activity the spoon race where we have a giant spoon and you put a tennis ball on it and do an obstacle course overall we got 386 points and we had a fun time.



The Week Gone Wrong (Revenge Of The Cookies)

(Chapter 1: Revenge Of The Cookies) Hi I’m James you may know me from the other book of the Week Gone Wrong series but this one was different, this one was… MAGICAL

The day started as normal as possible when you can literally combust when you’re angry and your friends can talk to animals, turn invisible and have x-ray vision but this day was different we found more cookies! We were astonished we thought we were the only ones, so we made a plan to make an elite team of heroes to take down people who would use their cookies for bad but we then saw something and guess what it was it was cookie crumbs which means someone found them aswell…

(Chapter 2: Heroes Unite) I’m not going to start this paragraph with a description I’m just gonna jump right into it, here we go. We decided to go to school with 1 cookie in each of our bags to give till people then we saw the outdoor festival that I completely forgot about like I always did so each of us split up into a different direction to recruit people for our team it was easy for me to find River who ate it immediately and no surprise for him he got the power to control water.  Will found Pax who was dumb enough to think it was a cake and eat it immediately aswell but then he got ran over a car and didn’t feel a single thing.

The Hidden Portal

Deep within the heart of the forest, where sunlight barely reaches, there lies a portal that leads to an undiscovered realm with some creatures to behold. In the town of Blingbenghengeir a guy named James and a guy named Caleb lived there, Caleb was adventurous and liked playing D&D and Legends Of Zelda and James was also adventurous and also liked Legends Of Zelda. One day Caleb and James were walking around and saw Oskar, Oskar also likes Legends Of Zelda and was as tall as James, once they got to the fountain they stopped and read what it said on the bottom, it said “Long ago where the forest people lived there lived a portal that lead to a realm of the monsters” Me, Oskar and Caleb suddenly had an idea to go to the realm of the monsters which was a stupid but… No, nothing just a stupid idea, but they decided to go anyways.

Once they got to the forests entrance they walked into the forest it felt like there was a million eyes watching them and like there was even more people there until an arrow bolted past them and hit the tree behind them with hundreds of people running at us Caleb got his magic ready and I got my lightning spear out and Oskar grabbed three daggers one in his mouth and one in each hand.

The Week Gone Wrong

One day at school everything was normal until…

(Chapter 1: The Day Gone Wrong) Hello my name is James Parata and these are my friends Oskar G-S, Max W and Will. One day on Monday I was walking to school with them from Wills house until we saw a strange light in the distance, it flashed and flashed until we decided to walk closer. The glow was green and the closer you got the brighter it got, once we got to it it had stopped glowing and it revealed 3 mysterious cookies each one of us ate a different one until it was all gone, then we walked to school. Once we got to school our stomachs felt weird and it felt like we were going to puke, then we realised we could only hear Will but not see him then Max saw a cat and he somehow understood it, it was saying that all of us got powers from those cookies and then we realised our lives would never be the same…


(Chapter 2: Train Wreck) Hi I’m James you may know me from the other paragraph but this day was even worse…

Date 23RD of November I was being yelled at by the teacher for being to loud until I got just a little bit too angry that I literally exploded, then I realised my power is to combust when I’m angry but there was only one person who ate those cookies but we didn’t know what their power was until Oskar came running through the door screaming with his hands over his eyes, well I guess Oskar figured out his power on accident and he was traumatised for the rest of the day. When we were walking to Max’s we came across a train track for some reason “I’ve never seen this before” said Max standing on the track looking down until we heard the train but our feet were stuck and then I started to get angry at Max for telling us to go to his house until the train was 1 metre away from us I went BOOM saving our lives.

How To Ask Someone What They’re Doing & How To Reply! & Reading With Rongo-Ma Tane


I learnt how to ask someone what they’re doing & how to reply in Māori, so I created a book to teach you some of them.


I had to read my book to Rongo-Ma Tane children and Urmi my teacher assigned me with Karsyn and my favorite part about reading to him was when he was constantly smiling and sometimes he even remembered what some of the words meant in English.

Winn-Dixie Chapter 1-6 Summary

The story is about an orphan named Opal who finds a dog at a store, then she names it Winn-Dixie because she found the dog at Winn-Dixie shopping mall, then she asks her dad if she can keep it and first her dad wasn’t sure & then after a while her dad said she could keep it.

After that Opal washes Winn-Dixie for a while then she explained that they’re both the same because they’re both basically orphans, then she brought the new and clean Winn-Dixie to the preacher and he likes the changes the the preacher agrees to tell Opal ten things about her mother that left her, then after the ten things they realized they couldn’t leave Winn-Dixie by himself for a period of time because he would destroy the place, they then went to the library and then the librarian thought it was a bear.

Inquiry Term 4

For inquiry we were learning about endangered birds, we were learning about the Salvins Albatross, here is the link to our song: LINK


For literacy this term we have been doing a novel study I am in the group that is studying the novel Because Of Winn-Dixie, I had to draw a mental image of one of the scenes, here is my picture. (It might not be that clear in the photo.)

Caleb the explorer

This story starts in a forest in the tiny town of Gnomeville in Caleb Gnomington the thirds house it’s tiny but he makes it work. Caleb’s normal start to the day for him is he wakes up gets dressed and eats his breakfast. Then he brushes his teeth and explores. Caleb is an explorer he has to go to the central town of gnomeville where he found an underground sewer system under the main fountain. On the way there he ran into Oskar Pedalgnome the first, Oskar was helping someone find their missing cat but Caleb didn’t want to bother him or he might screw up and won’t find the missing cat. Oskar will do anything to help but Caleb was on a mission Caleb had gotten to the main fountain the fountain is covered in these sticky vines with very clean and smooth concrete. Caleb went down the hole the sewer was dark like space and it had a slight echo, Caleb continued walking through the dark and grim sewer he saw a slight green swirling light in the distance. Caleb decided to keep walking toward the bright light soon he was to the portal the sewer darkened and the breeze turned cold as a mountain the wall was covered in vines he walked through the light then…